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ATMA 2024 is conducted in computer-based test mode for all sessions every year. The test carries a total of 180 marks. Read below for more details on the ATMA exam pattern. 

Exam StructureDetails
Number of sections6 (Analytical Reasoning Skills – I, Verbal Skills – I, Quantitative Skills – I, Analytical Reasoning Skills – II, Verbal Skills –II, Quantitative Skills – II)
Duration180 minutes or 3 hours
Number of questions180
Total marks180
Number of answer choices4
Mode of examinationCentre-Based Online Test
ATMA marking scheme+1 mark for each correct answer -0.25 for every wrong answer

ATMA exam pattern – Detailed overview

The ATMA test is administered by the Association of Indian Management Schools or AIMS. The test has been designed to assess the critical thinking, communication, and basic computational skills of students. Keeping in mind this objective, the ATMA paper pattern has been divided into 3 broader sections; each section is broken down further into two subsections each. Each subsection has 30 questions and a time limit of 30 minutes. 

SectionNumber of QuestionsAllotted Time 
Analytical Reasoning Skills Part 13030 minutes
Analytical Reasoning Skills Part 23030 minutes
Quantitative Skills Part 13030 minutes
Quantitative Skills Part 23030 minutes
Verbal Skills Part 13030 minutes
Verbal Skills Part 23030 minutes
Total180180 minutes

ATMA is a 3-hour long test worth a total of 180 marks. Keep in mind that skipping between sections is not allowed, and there is a strict sectional time limit of 30 minutes. This puts a lot of onus on your speed and accuracy. 

ATMA marking scheme

The ATMA exam follows a straightforward marking scheme:

  1. +1 is awarded for every correct answer.
  2. -0.25 is deducted for every incorrect answer.
  3. 0 marks are given for each unattempted question.

ATMA timing – Sectional time limitsUnlike many other similar management tests, ATMA has sectional time limits of 30 minutes. With barely a minute to answer each question in each section, you’ll have to be quick in your calculations.

Studying these topics, understanding the ATMA exam pattern, and giving tons of mock tests will adequately prepare you for the ATMA 2024 exam. For any more questions,  to schedule a free counselling session, and one of our mentors will get back to you soon.

Read more: ATMA exam pattern – At a glance ATMA exam pattern – At a glance

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